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In our world of Facebook and Instagram, we get bombarded by the newest diet, fad, or workout that will produce the fastest results.

Now ladies lets be honest, just like anything, quick doesn't always give us quality. Am I right? We all want to look our best, feel our best, be our best, but how do we bring out our best selves?

What is wellness? It is “the self-empowered practice of prevention and full development of all the dimensions of life,” according to the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA). Okay, let me explain...It breaks down into two basic parts, first “practice of prevention,” meaning having habits that will minimize the risk of “lifestyle-related diseases and disabilities” such as Diabetes, Hypertension (high blood pressure), and Obesity. Lifestyle choices we make can determine the appearance or absence of these diseases. Second, “full development of all the dimensions of life.” Doctors Halbert Dunn and Bill Hettler have identified dimensions of life to be emotional, social, intellectual, spiritual, physical, and occupational.

Wellness is more than 100 squats. Wellness is more than counting calories and pounds on the scale. Wellness is about an overall improved quality of life. So, now that you know what wellness is, how many of us actually focus on it?

Life is too short, we need to make every minute count! So ladies, let's get up, get out, wake up and focus on making wellness part of our lives, so that we can love our lives!

What are your suggestions or how do you maintain wellness in your life? We would love to hear from you. Leave your comments below.

Hi! I’m Stacy! I am a stay at home mom to an active little boy. I recently moved to Georgia from Las Vegas, but have lived all over the country. I will share my life as a mom, travel, recipes, DIY projects. With a Bachelors degree in exercise science, I will also share my knowledge and expertise on health and fitness.

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